Safe Work Methods Training

Proper Movement

One of the most destructive of all mechanisms of injury is a slip, trip or fall. Aside from auto accidents this is the most damaging exposure that employees face in the work place. Slips and falls lead to injuries like concussions, shoulder separations and dislocations, broken wrists, broken necks, impalements and back injuries.

Fatalities can result from a slip or fall, especially from height. Following proper movement methods can substantially reduce an employee’s exposure to this type of injury.

Running is an absolute no-no in the work place. Running does not allow time for evaluating one’s travel path for hazards. Runners are typically more off-balance and less in control of their overall movements. Sprained ankles are much more likely. Running employees are more likely to run into other employees which can involve them in an injury as well. Running in the work area is forbidden.